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CALYPSO South kick-off meeting
19th April 2018 ~ San Antonio Hotel & Spa, St. Paul's Bay
Organised by the Physical Oceanography Research Group, Dept. of Geosciences, Univ. of Malta
Kick-off meeting group photo

CALYPSO South is an extension of the Physical Oceanography Research Group’s flagship project, CALYPSO, which saw the installation of an HF radar network to monitor sea surface currents on the Malta Channel. This initiative is led by the University of Malta and includes 6 other partners: Transport Malta and Civil Protection Department, from Malta, and Universita’ degli Studi di Palermo, Universita’ degli Studi di Catania, Agenzia Regionale della Protezzione Abmientale and Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, from Sicily. The project is coordinated by Professor Aldo Drago.

The focus of CALYPSO South is to extend the HF radar network by the addition of three other radars - one on the southern coast of Sicily, and two overlooking the sea to the South West of Malta. A port weather monitoring network, PORTO, is also being set up with stations along the Maltese and Sicilian coasts. Data collected from both networks will be used to create tools which will help ensure safer navigation and a better marine environment. These tools will be available to both professionals and the public in general.

The first public event pertaining to this project was a seminar entitled “Marine Intelligence – the value of data for sea-based applications”. This seminar was held on 18th April 2018 at db San Antonio Hotel in Qawra. The seminar opened with a brief introduction to the CALYPSO South project. The planned extensions to the CALYPSO HF radar network were presented, as well as PORTO, and the importance of this network to improve safety in Maltese and Sicilian ports. Other services that will be made available to user through CALYPSO South were also introduced.

19th April 2018
08:45 Registration
09:00 Welcome by hosts
Prof. Pauline Galea, Head of the Geosciences Department, University of Malta
Prof. Aldo Drago, Head of the Physical Oceanography Research Group, University of Malta
Full Group Committee (All project partner representatives)
Chaired by Prof. Aldo Drago, CALYPSO South Project Leader
09:15 CALYPSO South Description of Work – Planned activities and deliverables;
Plan of work for the first six months of the project

Prof. Aldo Drago, Project Leader, University of Malta
10:15 Special arrangements and coordination for the Sicilian partners
Prof. Giuseppe Ciraolo, CALYPSO South Sicilian Focal Point, Universita degli Studi di Palermo
10:40 Coffee break
11:10 Presentations on project plan of activities by partners
Work on new HF radar installations in Malta/Gozo
Dr. Adam Gauci (UM)
Meterological network
Dr. Adam Gauci (UM), Capt. Fritz Farrugia (TM)
Technical plan for first 6 months
Prof. Giuseppe Ciraolo (UNIPA)
Technical plan for first 6 months
Prof. Rosario Sinatra (UNICT)
Technical plan for first 6 months and update on SARWapp
Dott. Salvatore Aronica (IAMC-CNR)
Activities envisaged in project with focus on first 6 months
Dott. Salvatore Campanella (ARPA SICILIA)
Overall plan for promotional activities
Dott. Alfio Russo (UNICT)
Project on social media
Ms. Raisa Galea De Giovanni (UM)
Task 4.6 Data optimisation
Dr. Adam Gauci (UM)
13:00 Lunch offered by the organisers
14:30 Project Steering Committee (Delegated SC members and WP leaders)
Chaired by Prof. Aldo Drago, CALYPSO South Project Leader
Project administrative matters
Ms. Alba Abbate (UNIPA-DICAM)
ToR of SC;
Joint Convention and Subsidy Contract;
Overall management procedures for project implementation;
Project budget summary and constraints;
WP planning and execution roles;
Other matters
16:30 Closure
Partners logos