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University of Palermo and Municipality of Ragusa sign Memorandum of Understanding to implement CALYPSO South
12th February 2019
HF radar from CALYPSO
                 network in the Marina di Ragusa
HF radar from CALYPSO network monitoring the sea in Marina di Ragusa

The Municipality of Ragusa has approved the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University of Palermo in relation to the implementation of the CALYPSO South project. This project involves 3 partners from Malta, with the University of Malta as Lead Partner, and 4 partners from Sicily, with University of Palermo as the focal point for Sicily.

Marina di Ragusa has been host to one of the HF radars belonging to the CALYPSO network since December 2016. The Municipality of Ragusa has supported this endeavour, through the office of the Municipal Civil Protection, by providing logistic support on location. The Municipality has now been invited to participate in the project, both as a stakeholder and as a member of the working group intended to promote cross-border exchange between responsible entities for civil protection, surveillance and security, especially in connection with response to hazards from oil spills in the region and with search and rescue operations.

To facilitate the implementation of the various activities, a MoU has been drawn up between the Municipality of Ragusa and the University of Palermo, through which both parties pledge to deploy resources that they have available as necessary to achieve the project’s objectives. The MoU was signed by Dr. Giovanni Iacono on behalf of the Municipality of Ragusa and Prof Giuseppe Ciraolo representing the University of Palermo.