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Seminario internazionale sull'intelligence marina
9 aprile 2018
Sea surface current map
                 from the CALYPSO HF radar observing system
Sea surface current map from the CALYPSO HF radar observing system

Intelligence can be defined in many different ways, but its primary meaning relates to the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. In an era when the impact of information technology is a key driving force of the knowledge economy, the creation and support of intelligence becomes critical to excellence. Essential ingredients for intelligence in the digital age comprise: the ability to access, share, codify, re-use and transform data and information into knowledge; the creation and re-creation of hierarchical levels of increasing complexity of interpretation, merging and synthesis of data; and the organised use of increasingly ramified networks and clusters of distributed activities. This is also the shape of things in the marine sector. The advent of multi-disciplinary, spatially widespread, long term and real-time marine data and information is triggering an unprecedented leap in the economic value of ocean data. This is bringing about a paradigm shift in our perception of the value of marine data, information and knowledge for managing marine resources, and furnish direct applications and benefits to many sectors in industry and services such as marine transportation, safety and public health. Marine intelligence, as it is called, is in this sense shaping competitiveness, product development and enhancement of services.

This is the overarching concept of a seminar planned by Prof. Aldo Drago to mark the kick-off meeting of the INTERREG V-A Italia Malta CALYPSO South project led by the Physical Oceanography Research Group of the Department of Geosciences, University of Malta. Several international speakers will be discussing the wider perspective of a range of marine data applications showcasing the result of marine intelligence. The seminar will show how data and information in the digital age are spearheading the evolution of marine services to serve the stakeholder demands and boost R&I applications, such as within the ambit of Blue Growth – which is the European Commission's initiative to further harness the potential of Europe's oceans, seas and coasts, for sustainable growth, jobs and value.

With the participation of expert speakers from Europe and the US, the seminar will highlight the application and valorisation of ocean data in its wide range of usage, considering different scales from global ocean domains down to the local coastal seas, and from long term variability and climate change assessments down to operational scale day-to-day services and applications.

Officers from relevant local responsible entities and ministries, entrepreneurs in marine-related initiatives, environmental managers, marine scientists and students, as well as other interested persons are invited to attend.

The seminar is being held at the db San Antonio, Qawra on 18 April 2018 at 13:30 until 17:30. Participation is free of charge, but interested parties are asked to register by writing to the seminar organiser, Prof. Aldo Drago, at aldo.drago@um.edu.mt with copy to the Seminar Secretariat at raisa.galea-degiovanni@um.edu.mt.

For more information visit the seminar webpage.